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2024-06-25 15:27:15 来源:普罗文学 点击:8
cut+ cut across 走捷径,穿过去 和。 相反,违反妨碍 影响到。; 超出。 的界线cut adrift 使(船)漂流 割断联系,自己谋生cut after 追赶cut at 向。砍去 猛打 毁掉cut away 切除,剪掉 匆匆跑掉cut back(on) 减少; 剪短; 倒叙; 缩减; 中断; (踢足球时)急转方向;【化】稀释cut dead 假装不认识[没看见],不理睬cut down 削减,压缩 砍倒 使丧命 比。 强; 使。逊色cut down on 减少。 缩减。cut in 插进来说,插嘴 夹进来,夹塞 干预 超车 (在舞会中)截去别人的女舞伴 [口]让。 加入,把。算 在内 (在电话里)偷听cut into 插进来,参加(谈话),打断(别人的话); 减少,缩减; 切开; 侵犯(利益)cut it 连忙逃走; 停止!走开!住口!cut (it) fine 不留余地,使(时间,空间,金钱等)刚刚够用 到最后一分钟才赶到 压缩到最小限度; 只给予极少的时间cut it out 停止(做某事); 住手[口]cut it short 说得简短些 少讲点!别说下去啦!cut it (too) fat [口]做得过分; 卖弄,招摇cut off切断,停掉 隔绝,挡住 死掉 使电话中断 切[剪]下来 剥夺(继承权)cut on 急速 前进cut out 删掉 停止 戒掉,不吃 (机器)失灵,(自动)关掉 剪下来,剪裁 切除 (for,to be)适合当[做],是。 的材料 筹划; 安排(工作) 取代[击败,挤垮](对手) 设计; 做出 捕获(敌船) [俚]突然离去cut round [美、口]撒欢cut short 打断(讲话),中断(活动)cut through 穿过,穿透; 克服; 避开; 不理睬; 剪断cut under 卖得比。便宜。 有关cut的短语 cut短语用法详解 1.cutsbsth为某人切某物。如:Cutmesomepineapple.给我切几片菠萝吧。Hecutmeasliceofbread.他为我切了一块面包。注:该句型也可转换为:Cutsomepineappleforme.Hecutasliceofbreadforme.2.cutsthintosth把某物切成某物。如:Firstcutthemeatintosmallpieces.先把肉切成小块。Hecuttheappleintohalves.他把它切成了两半。注:若指分为两半,可说成cutsthintohalves或cutsthinhalf。3.cutdown(1)砍倒。如:Theycutdownthebigtree.他们把这棵大树砍倒了。(2)削减,压缩,缩减。如:Expensesoughttobecutdownineveryway.应该在一切方面减少开支。You'dbettercutthearticledowntoabout2,000words.你最好能把这篇文章压到两千字左右。4.cutin(1)插入,插话。如:Don'tcutinwhenothersaretalking.别人说话时别插话。Hekeptcuttinginonourconversation.我们谈话时他老是插话。注:cutinonsth有时可说成cutintosth,如上面第二句也可说成:Hekeptcuttingintoourconversation.(from)(2)插队,超车。如:Hecutinattheheadoftheline.他在队伍的前面插队。Thecarovertookmeandthencutinonme.那辆小车超了我的车,然后插在我前面。5.cutoff切断,隔断,断绝。如:Wewerecutoffinthemiddleofourtelephoneconve 关于cut 的所有短语 Cut about 身体多处受伤 Cut across 取捷径,抄近路 Cut along 快去 Cut away 切除、剪掉不好的部分 Cut back (将诸如植物之类)剪短、修剪、剪枝 Cut dead 佯装不识,不理睬某人 Cut down 砍倒 cut flower 切花 Cut for 太多了,写不进去 cut 的短语意思 cut across 1.抄近中穿过;eg:We can gain some time if we cut across this field. 如果我们从这块地穿过,那么我们就可以赢得一些时间。 2.与 。 相抵触;3.遮断,打断;(这两项意思是通常不用于进行式) eg:The wall cuts across our line of vision. 那堵墙挡住了我们的视线。 The plan didn't work because it cut clean across the will of the mass. 那个计划完全违背了群众的意愿,因而行不通。 4.把…包括在影响范围之内;eg:This is a problem that cuts across all strata of society. 这是一个影响到一切社会阶层的问题。 cut back 1.剪(裁、缩)短 eg:The tailor cut the cloth back. 裁缝把布裁短。 2.减少、削减 eg:We must cut back our expenses. 我们必须削减开支。 //cut back on sth eg:They had to cut back on production during the power cuts. 在电力不足时期,他们不得不降低生产。 3.急转方向、迅速返回 eg:The football player pretended to run forward, then cut back and took the ball the other way. 那位足球运动员假装朝前跑,而后突然改变方向,将球向另一个方向带去。 4追述,倒叙cut back to sth eg:The script cuts back to the old hero's childhood. 剧本倒叙了老英雄的童年。cut down 1.把……砍倒(割掉) eg:He who cuts down any trees here is to be punished.  在此伐树者罚! 2.裁短、改小 eg:My sister cut father's coat down to fit me. 我的姐姐按我的身材把父亲的上衣裁短了。 3.减少、降低 eg:She is trying to cut down her weight.她正设法减肥。//cut down on sth/v-ing eg:You must cut down on sugar to lose weight.你必须少吃糖以减轻体重。 4.〈非正式〉驳倒,使逊色,击败 eg:He was so eloquent that he cut down the finest orator.他能言善辩,胜过最好的演说家。 Your arguments are too easy to be cut down.你的论点一驳即倒。 5.砍〔杀〕死,伤害 eg:In the old society hunger, cold and illness cut down many of the villagers. 在旧社会,饥饿、寒冷和疾病夺去了村里许多人的生命。 He was cut down in the prime of his manhood in a car accident. 一次交通事故使他英年早逝。 cut in 1.插嘴、打断(通常不用于进行式) eg:Don't cut in.不要插嘴。//cut in on sth eg:He cut in on our conversation.他在我们谈话中插嘴。 2.突然插到……前面 eg:Accidents are often caused by drivers who try to cut in.司机超车抢行常常造成意外事故。//cut in on sb/sth eg:A car passed Cage and cut in on her too close; she had to break quickly or she would have hit it.一辆车超过凯奇,突然插入她们的车道,她赶忙刹车,差点没撞车。 3.干预 cut in on sth eg:I think I ought to cut in on what they are doing.我想我应该对他们所做的事情进行干预。 4.允许加入 cut sb in eg:I would like to be cut in on this project.我愿意加入这个项目。 cut into1.切入,刺入 cut into sth eg:The glass cut into her hand.玻璃扎进了她的手。 2.把某物切成(几块) cut sth into sth eg:She cut the apple into halves.她把苹果切成两半。 3.打断(扰)cut into sth eg:Don't cut into the story.不要打断故事。 4.把…刻成 cut sth into sth eg:The artisan can cut stones into various shapes.这工匠能把石头雕成各种形状。 5.使降低 cut into sth eg:The other house got old and shabby, and that cut into the value. 周围的房子都破旧不堪,这使他房子的价值降低了。 cut off 1.剪(切、砍)下 eg:She is going to cut off her long hair.她打算剪掉长发。 2.切(隔)断、阻碍 eg:The operator cut him off before he had a chance to talk to me. 他还没有来得及和我说话,接线员就把他的电话挂断了。 3.迅速离开 eg:Cut off now before the shop closes.快走,赶在商店关门前。 4.(疾病等)使(人)死亡 eg:A sudden attack of typhoid cut him off in the prime of his life. 伤寒突然发作,使他年纪轻轻就被夺去了生命。 5.不留遗产 eg:Jim's uncle cut him off without a penny.吉姆的叔叔没有留给他一文钱。 6.把…从…剪〔切〕下cut sth off sth eg:The cook cut the meat off a bone.炊事员把骨头上的肉切了下来。cut out 1.剪下,切去 eg:The doctor cut out his tonsils.医生切除了他的扁桃体。 2.裁剪; 劈开 eg:They cut out a path through the jungle.他们在密林中开出了一条小路。 3.停止,戒除,放弃 eg:The engine slowed down and finally cut out.发动机减慢下来,最后停了。 The doctor said I must cut overwork right out.医生说我必须立刻停止过度劳累。//cut out v-ing eg:He has decided to cut out smoking and drinking.他已决心戒烟7a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333264633466戒酒。 4.删掉,省掉 eg:You can cut out what you like.你可以随意删减。 5.取代,击败 (通常不用于进行式) eg:With her speed and agility, Cage cut out all her competitors in the hurdle race. 凯奇跨栏时速度快,动作敏捷,击败了所有其他选手。 6.适合于,天生是干…的 eg:I'm sure he would make a good journalist; he seems to be cut out for the job.我确信他会成为一名优秀的新闻工作者,他好像天生就是干这一行的。cut short 1.突然停止 2.中断(缩短, 简化) (cut sb/sth 。 初中关于cut的短语 cut off切断;中断;使死亡;剥夺继承权 He cut off a small piece of bread and gave it to me. 他切下一小片面包递给了我 cut downv. 削减;砍倒;杀死;删节;胜过 They have to cut down the office staff. 他们不得不裁减办公室的职员。 cut in插嘴;超车;插入 She cut the meat in pieces. 她把肉切成许多块 cut intov. 打断;侵犯 She cut into our conversation several times. 她几次打断我们的谈话。 cut out切断;删去;停止;关掉 The doctor cut out his tonsils. 医生切除了他的扁桃腺。 cut back削减;修剪;(美)倒叙;[球]急忙返回 cut from从…上切下 cut through刺穿;抄近路走过 cut down on削减,减少 cut up 切碎;抨击 cut away切掉,砍掉 cut across抄近路通过;径直穿过;打断 cut out for适合于,准备;与……相配合 急求所有cut短语 a cut above [口]高。 一等, 比。强些 be cut out for 有做某事的天赋; 适合于; 与。 相配合 Desperate cuts must have desperate cures. [谚] Desperate cuts must have desperate remedies. [谚] Desperate diseases must have desperate cures . [谚] Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies. [谚] 治大病, 下重药; 在非常场合必须采取非常手段。 draw cuts 抽签 give sb. the cut direct 故意不理采某人; 装做不认识某人 short cut 捷径, 近路(一般和make, take 连用; 有时用作定语) cut about 乱切, 乱砍乱跑 cut across 走捷径, 穿过去和。 相反, 违反妨碍影响到。; 超出。 的界线 cut adrift 使(船)漂流割断联系, 自己谋生 cut after 追赶 cut and carve 乱砍[削] 改动, 变更使精细 cut and come again 请尽量吃; 丰盛的宴席 cut and contrive 节省费用以求收支相抵 cut and dried 准备好的已决定的; 不大会改变的 cut and run (=cut one's lucky[stick]; cut dirt) [口]撒腿就跑 cut and thrust 短兵相接针锋相对地挖苦尖锐的; 锋利的 cut at 向。砍去猛打毁掉 cut away 切除, 剪掉匆匆跑掉 cut back(on) 减少; 剪短; 倒叙; 缩减; 中断; (踢足球时)急转方向;【化】稀释 cut dead 假装不认识[没看见], 不理睬 cut down 削减, 压缩砍倒使丧命比。 强; 使。逊色 cut down on 减少。 缩减。 cut in 插进来说, 插嘴夹进来, 夹塞干预超车 (在舞会中)截去别人的女舞伴 [口]让。 加入, 把。 算 在内 (在电话里)偷听 cut into 插进来, 参加(谈话), 打断(别人的话); 减少, 缩减; 切开; 侵犯(利益) cut it 连忙逃走; 停止!走开!住口! cut (it) fine 不留余地, 使(时间, 空间, 金钱等)刚刚够用到最后一分钟才赶到压缩到最小限度; 只给予极少的时间 cut it out 停止(做某事); 住手[口] cut it short 说得简短些少讲点! 别说下去啦! cut it (too) fat [口]做得过分; 卖弄, 招摇 cut off 切断, 停掉隔绝, 挡住死掉使电话中断切[剪]下来剥夺(继承权) cut on 急速 前进 cut out 删掉停止戒掉, 不吃 (机器)失灵, (自动)关掉剪下来, 剪裁切除 (for, to be)适合当[做], 是。 的材料筹划; 安排(工作) 取代[击败, 挤垮](对手) 设计; 做出捕获(敌船) [俚]突然离去 cut round [美、口]撒欢 cut short 打断(讲话), 中断(活动) cut through 穿过, 穿透; 克服; 避开; 不理睬; 剪断 cut under 卖得比。便宜 cut up 切[破]碎使难过, 使痛苦歼灭(敌兵等) 砍[割]伤 [口] 吹毛求疵 [美]插科打诨; 胡闹; 恶作剧 [俚]表现, 表演(赛跑、比赛等) 留下遗产 cut up fat 死时留下巨款 cut up well 死时留下巨款 cut up rough [口]发怒, 冒火; 露出凶相; 找人吵架 cut up nasty [口]发怒, 冒火; 露出凶相; 找人吵架 cut up rusty [口]发怒, 冒火; 露出凶相; 找人吵架 cut up savage [口]发怒, 冒火; 露出凶相; 找人吵架 cut up stiff [口]发怒, 冒火; 露出凶相; 找人吵架 acid cut 酸定(在油漆稀释剂中加入硫酸以测定烃含量) across-the-board tax cut 全面减税 actual cut 实际收获 all cut 以削球为主的战术 allowable periodic cut 定期可伐量 angle cut 沿边线底线切入(在前场沿边线切入, 至场角附近顺端线切向篮下) angular cut (管端)斜切(玻璃管切割缺陷) approach cut 不完全切削 arm cut 劈手臂 arm sprue cut 冒口切割 assorted-cut 分级切割 back cut 上口, 追口; 顶部切槽, 顶槽 back-edge cut 剑背劈 benching cut 阶段式[台阶式]回采; 台阶式掏槽 bias cut 斜向截断 boneless cut 去骨(的)肉块 bottom cut 底部掏槽, 底槽 box(-type) cut 桶形掏槽 branch cut 【数】分支切割 breast cut 胸[肋]肉小块, 胸排 brilliant cut (玻璃)磨光刻花法 burnt cut 【采矿】平行空炮眼掏槽法 butcher cuts 剪屑; 切屑; 剥伤(皮革) butt cut 根端材, 树基材 centrecut 中心[锥形]掏槽 chamfercut 斜切 circularcut 环形掏槽, 圆形掏槽 clean cut 净切削, 无氧化皮切削; 光洁木板 climb cut (砂轮与工作)异转向磨削, (沿螺纹)上升磨削(法), 顺铣 clipped cut 切边不整齐 closed cut 闭割线 coarse cut 粗锉纹 cold cuts 绞肉制熟食品; 蘸干酪的肉片 conical cut 锥形掏槽 constant speed cut 等速[定速]切削 corner cut 内角加工; 切角 cropping cut 碎边剪切 cross cut 横切[锯, 割]; 交叉锉纹[纹路]; (电视图象)交叉消隐 crystal cut 晶体切片[切向] cuckold's cut 面包头 cullet cut (碎玻璃)划伤, 链状伤痕(平板玻璃抛光缺陷) cylinder cut 桶形掏槽 dead square cut 精确裁切 diagonal cut 对角线切削, 对角剪切 diamond cut 金刚石刻磨 die cut 冲切; 修边; 裂口; 缺口; 裂缝 digging cut (蔬菜)采掘机械伤 distillation cut 馏分 diversion cut 溢水道, 分水槽 double cut (锉的)双纹; 双掏槽; 搓球; 对削 down cut 下剪切; 顺铣, 同向铣削; 底部掏槽, 底槽 draw cut 回程切削, 拉切, 上向掏槽 emerald cut 祖母绿琢磨花样 end cut 帮槽, 侧面掏槽 end cuts 最后馏分 exchange cuts 搓球, 对削 face cut 弦切, 背板锯切 face parallel cut 平行面切割, Y切割 fan cut 扇形掘进 file cut 锉刀锉纹; 刻锉机 fine cut 精加工 fine finishing cut 精密完工切削。 cut 短语 填out 你认为Tim真的能胜任这种工作么? be cut out for something 或者be cut out to be something [通常用于疑问句和否定句] to have the qualities that you need for a particular job or activity 为某项工作或者活动具备一定的技能,胜任 Are you sure you're really cut out for a teacher? 你确信你能胜任一名老师么?




