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2024-04-15 16:16:55 来源:普罗文学 点击:14
格林斯潘名言,希望对您的生活工作有所帮助,句子仅供参考,心有所得才是真正的有所得,下面随小编一起来看下句子格林斯潘名言吧。1、要有规律而系统地投资。To regularly and systematically。2、找一个善于理财的伴侣。Looking for a good at financial management partner。3、每月用来付分期付款的钱不能超过收入的50%。A month to pay instalment of no more than 50% of their income。4、假如在3年内要使用这笔钱,就不要把它投向证券市场。If want to use the money in three years, don't put it into the securities market。5、如果你觉得听懂了我说的话,那你一定是误解了我的意思。If you think you understand what I said, that you must have misunderstood my meaning。6、人性本身导致了跌市的恐慌和升市的贪婪。反应过度的恐慌,正是人性使然。Humanity itself rises the city led to a sell-off panic and greed。 Overreaction of panic, it is human nature。7、我犯了一个过错,假设那些自利的银行等机构,有意愿也有能力保护其投资者,银行的资产以及银行的生存。I made a mistake, assuming those from institutions such as Banks, will also have the ability to protect its investors, the bank's assets and the survival of the bank。以上就是关于句子格林斯潘名言的全部内容,再次感谢您的阅读,祝您生活工作愉快。



