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2024-04-29 10:49:57 来源:普罗文学 点击:8
1、一颗心,属于尓太久了。离开了,仍然爱着。 A heart belongs to you too long. Left, still in love. 2、别怕美好的一切消失,咱们先来让它存在。 Don't be afraid that all the good things will disappear. Let's make them exist first. 3、除了爱你,我想不出能使我继续活著的理由。 I can't think of any reason to keep me alive except for loving you. 4、想把世界上最好的给你,然而最好的就是你。 I want to give you the best in the world, but the best is you. 5、一根甘蔗,我要跟你一同分享甜蜜的味道。 A cane, I want to share the sweet taste with you. 6、星星躲进云里月亮掉入海里,你藏进梦里。 The star hides in the cloud, the moon falls into the sea, you hide in the dream. 7、大姨妈你那么疼我,可你为什么还不来看我。 Aunt, you love me so much, but why don't you come to see me. 8、喜欢的一颗糖就行,不喜欢的一车钱都不行。 If you like a sugar, you can't get a car fare if you don't like it. 9、喏!就是这个人打乱了我孤独终老的想法。 Here it is! It's this person who has upset my idea of ending up alone. 10、我爱你如洪水泛滥,你爱我却是隔壁沙滩。 I love you like a flood, but you love me on the beach next door. 11、遇到你之后,我满脑子想的都是和你的未来。 After meeting you, all I think about is your future. 12、曾经的甜蜜,却成了现在唯一让我思念的痛。 Once sweet, but now only let me miss the pain. 13、即便你将我拒之天边,我依然留在你心间。 Even if you refuse me, I still stay in your heart. 14、珍珠是贝一生的心疼,而你是我一世的牵挂。 Pearl is the pain of shellfish's life, and you are my concern. 15、喜欢你才会对你污,不喜欢我都懒得搭理你。 Like you will be dirty to you, do not like me are lazy to pay attention to you. 16、爱不是彼此凝视,而是一起注视同一个方向。 Love is not gazing at each other, but looking in the same direction together. 17、幸福的多少,来自有幸福感知事件的多少。 How much happiness comes from the number of events with happiness perception. 18、你知道吗?你的微笑是我最想要保留的风景。 You know what? Your smile is the scenery I want to keep most. 19、失望攒够了就放手,不打扰是我最后的温柔。 Disappointments accumulate enough to let go, do not disturb is my last gentle. 20、他不再是我的世界,因为我的世界已塌陷。 He is no longer my world, because my world has collapsed. 21、跟我走好吗,我会穷尽一生让你欢喜到老。 Come with me, I will spend my whole life to make you happy. 22、结识你是一种缘分,我想用真情换你的真心。 Getting to know you is a kind of predestination, I want to change your sincerity with true feelings. 23、我莫名奇妙的笑了,只是因为突然想到了你。 I inexplicably smile, just because suddenly think of you. 24、你不需要再改变了,因为我在改变着自己。 You don't need to change because I'm changing myself. 25、抱着你的时候,我才会觉得这个世界很美。 When I hold you, I will feel the world is beautiful. 26、悠悠岁月,我用年华韵章,为你书一世情长。 Long years, I use time rhyme chapter, for your book a long love. 27、我很喜欢你,像风走了八百千里,不问归期。 I like you very much, like the wind walked eight hundred miles, do not ask the return date. 28、爱,不是去改变对方,而是努力一起成长。 Love is not to change each other, but to grow together. 29、你很重要,在我这里,你永远有台阶可下。 You are very important. In my place, you always have steps to go down. 30、感情就像一场游戏,有的时候不得不开挂。 Love is like a game, sometimes have to open up. 31、其实写的都是给你的,只不过发在了朋友圈。 In fact, it's all for you, but it's in the circle of friends. 32、亲爱的,我爱你!惟愿岁月静好,两心相依! Dear, I love you! Wish the years are quiet, two hearts depend on each other! 33、颠鸾倒凤,同谐鱼水之欢,共效于飞之愿。 Luan Daofeng, with the harmony of fish and water, together with the desire to fly. 34、如果不是你在,春天的花,根本都不会开。 If you were not here, the spring flowers would not bloom at all. 35、季节在不断的更替,对你的思念仍被我保留。 The seasons are changing, and I still miss you. 36、什么时候才能睡觉一翻身就能躺倒你怀里啊? When can I go to bed and I can lie down in your arms? 37、你是那水中灵动的鱼,荡漾出一圈圈涟漪。 You are the smart fish in the water, rippling with ripples. 38、不晓得如何爱你,看着你,是我唯一的方式。 Do not know how to love you, looking at you, is my only way. 39、在每一个有你相伴的夜,不再过于寂寥冷清。 In every night with you, it is no longer too lonely. 40、巧克力的香浓,飘洒着与你相处的幸福记忆。 The fragrance of chocolate, floating with the happy memory of getting along with you. 41、对着你,我总是忍不住,凶巴巴又软趴趴。 Facing you, I always can't help it. It's ferocious and soft. 42、遣尽所有字句,到最后表达的,仍是我爱你。 Send all words, to the end of the expression, still I love you. 43、从红日到皎月,每一个瞬间都想与你在一起。 From the red sun to the bright moon, every moment I want to be with you. 44、你给我的幸福,我来负责享受你给我的爱。 You give me the happiness, I am responsible for enjoying the love you give me. 45、很多年前,你用一个笑,买断了我的一生。 Many years ago, you bought out my life with a smile. 46、你是夏日繁盛的香樟,扎根在我温暖的心房。 You are the flourishing camphor in summer, rooted in my warm heart. 47、一张嘴就是你的名字,一闭眼就是你的样貌。 A mouth is your name, and closing your eyes is your appearance. 48、语数英不行,理化生差点,唯独爱你满分。 I can't do it in English and Chinese, but I love you with full marks. 49、我做事通常十拿九稳,现在就差你一吻了。 I'm usually sure of everything, and now I need a kiss from you. 50、我们就像太阳和向日葵,彼此是彼此的生命。 We are like the sun and the sunflower. We are each other's life. 51、要星光要月亮,要世界投降,更要你在身旁。 To the stars, to the moon, to the world to surrender, but also to your side. 52、是一万次心跳呼吸,也是一万次低头叹息。 It's 10000 heart beats, 10000 breaths, and 10000 sighs. 53、这是G港,那是N港,你是我的避风港嘻嘻嘻。 This is port g and port n. you are my haven, hee hee hee. 54、如果你过得不幸福,我所做的一切都是徒劳! If you are not happy, all I do is in vain! 55、你是一场迟来的春风,一个开满鲜花的美梦。 You are a late spring breeze, a dream full of flowers. 56、所有让我热泪盈眶的瞬间,想起来都是你。 All the moments that make me cry are you. 57、也许我本该错过,却千方百计挤进你的生活。 Maybe I should have missed it and tried my best to squeeze into your life. 58、莎士比亚说:不太热烈的爱情才会维持久远。 Shakespeare said: not too warm love will last for a long time. 59、不知道为什么,就是忍不住想跟你在一起。 I don't know why, but I can't help wanting to be with you. 60、有些人,当遇见那一刻就注定了是一辈子。 Some people, when met that moment is doomed to be a lifetime.




